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Diary of a Wimpy Kid #2 : Rodrick Rules

# And, even though Roderick can be a huge jerk sometimes, he IS my brother. (217)Do you think “Blood is thicker than water”? To Greg it might be untrue. He had trouble getting along with big brother(George Orwell made the cruelest leader in 1984) Roderick and baby brother Manny in the house. The eldest one hassles him by harsh words and physical violence all the time. And the youngest one is overprotected by their parents. Poor Greg is stuck in between and in trouble so often. Is it a kind of sibling’s envy? In my opinion, most people don’t change overnight even though history can be changed overnight. It saddens me. At the end of the book, Greg helps Roderick work on his assignment not to be kicked out of school. In some way Greg himself doesn’t treat his friends fairly and respect his elders decently. He plays pranks on Rowley and is thinking of how toexploit him on his side such as playing video games and entering the contest. He also learns bad skills from Roderick, a heavy metal drummer. Sadly, bullying is spreading around the school boys. Cheese Touch! Rowley is peculiar but he gains girls’ heart. They are willing to take him under their wing. Thanks to his meek, brainless personality, he is rather popular at school. Sometimes I felt irritated by the contents of the book. It largely deals with ugly appearance and boyishly mischievous behavior. Stealthinator! No doubt about the good author. However, the issue of (whoever) equal treatment is hot and taken seriously these days.# I guess that means she didn t learn from THAT experience. (20)# I know exactly where I ll be in fifteen years: in my pool, at my mansion, couting my money. (84)Blue Checklistlousy terrible, awful shivertremble, shakeumpire운동 경기) 심판Loded Diper hypothermiabody temperature becomes dangerously low nursery preschoolblowout partylame *비교급 lamerimperfectcram ~ down one’s throatsay repeatedlyfad유행get hooked on get addicted tocritical 비판적인 Holland 네덜란드pal friendget physical begin to make physical contactsettle one’s differences make up withspill one’s secretThe secret is out. have dirt on find something to use against ~mail it in stop caring about a task freshman ~ sophomore ~ junior ~ seniorbad mood기분 나쁨Like how moths get drawn to a lightfreak outbe excited/exhausted, lose temperappreciate 감상하다, 진가를 알다think up 고안하다(invent) accuse ~ of 고소하다(charge ~ with)get rid of remove, be relieved of on purpose ↔ by mistake, accidentally make faces frown, exaggerate facial expressionmove up a notch move up a little moretotem pole (미신) 조각기둥 tinfoil 은박지drive ~ nuts drive ~ crazy, drive ~ bananas be grateful for be thankful for, appreciateget assigned to 배정 받다, 할당되다stress out스트레스를 받다lose track of~을 놓치다, 연락이 끊어지다turn upappearcommotion fussdue (기한) 예정된 from scratch from the beginninghelp outassist, share the burden or coston top of that besides, moreovercrack open, tell sweat *no sweat = not difficultwork hard milkv. squeeze moneycommit a crime 죄를 저지르다 figure ~ outunderstandCelsius 섭씨 Fahrenheit 화씨You’re all set. You’re ready.going-away송별의 let ~ off the hook escape from a difficult situation Invisible Chirag joke goggleslarge protective glassesdefenceaction or comment to protect point fingers (on) accuse ~ of, blame ~ forcocky arrogantdecency예의 갖춤(following moral standards)detention students punishment staying at schoolfirsthanddirectbrokebeing zero moneygun-shy nervous or afraidfoyer현관at once한꺼번에, 당장Mom Bucks do choresdo errandsstash 쟁여둠(stack, pile)cash in 현금화하다blow 낭비하다(squander), 비밀을 누설하다 ball pit볼풀 track down seek and find put on hold 보류하다tick ~ off귀찮게 하다, 꾸짖다(tell off)slug hit hardgo far(범위) ~까지 하다do an experiment to ~에 관해 실험하다bandannascarfthug불량배 ringleader boss of thugsget busted적발되다(caught) drill practice hardbreak down감정적으로 무너지다screw-upbig mistakehave a memory like an elephant기억력이 좋다gumdrop 젤리 crumb 부스러기fridgerefrigeratorfess upconfessfibsmall liefake a call pretend to be called/call break the streakbreak the rulepledgevow, promiseCareer Day rake 갈퀴로 모으다fork 갈퀴로 나르다, 나뉘다 do a skit play a force소극 stand on one’s headdo a handstandspread 퍼지다 flip through 책) go through quickly
남자아이들도 일기를 쓸까? 아니면 쓰지 않을까?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules는 미국의 작가이자 만화가인 제프 키니가 쓴 실화 바탕의 픽션 소설이다. 본 작품은 series의 두 번째 편이며, 첫 번째는 Diary of a Wimpy Kid, 그리고 최근 발표된 세 번째 편은 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw이다.
책은 초등학교 6학년인 그렉 헤플리가 자신의 모험을 말하는 일기이다. 저자는 5권으로 시리즈를 염두해두고, 집필했으며 2009년 1월에 3편을 출간하였다. 20세기 폭스 사를 통해 영화로도 개봉될 예정이다.

어떻게 묻더라도 그렉 헤플리에게 여름 방학을 어떻게 보냈는지 묻는 것은 무의미하다. 왜냐하면 그는 이야기하지 않을 것이 분명하기 때문이다.

새 학년이 되면서 그렉은 지난 세 달을 잊어버리고 싶다. 특히 한 사건에 대해서는 더욱 더 그렇다. 불행하게도 그의 형인 로드릭은 그렉이 바로 덮어두고 싶어하는 사건에 대한 모든 것을 알고 있다. 하지만, 그 비밀은 일기가 관련되면서 새어 나온다.

Whatever you do, don t ask Greg Heffley how he spent his summer vacation, because he definitely doesn t want to talk about it. As Greg enters the new school year, he s eager to put the past three months behind him... and one event in particular.

Unfortunately for Greg, his older brother, Rodrick, knows all about the incident Greg wants to keep under wraps. But secrets have a way of getting out... especially when a diary is involved.